Greetings all,
exciting news . . . we bought a farm!! It's been a 20 year dream with
my husband & only possible since he returned from his fifth
deployment. We have lived all over Australia, deciding to settle in
Canberra, a military & public service national capital city,
surrounded by farmland.
Our must-have list was . . . 45 minutes from the
CBD, cleared land, no dwelling, 100 acres & sobering things like
'affordable'. During our search, issues like . . . fencing/ rainfall/
school buses became important; power/ telephone/ sewerage did not - as
we desire to be self sufficient. Finally we found the right property
& much larger!! 

This has given us the exciting potential of raising
livestock, building a straw bale homestead & planting orchards.
Could not be happier. Stay tuned for our exciting plans, we will build
our home next year. All the home building information will take place at my other blog, which has been waiting for this moment . . . b u i l d Z i l l a. Love Posie