Greetings blog world, as part of my new policy to take care of myself, the things i like doing & the fact that baby number 4 is all grown up & starting Primary School in a couple of weeks . . . i am starting off the year as i intend to continue it - getting fitter, keeping a better house, working with a clear head (read: child free after 7 years in business!!) & back to blogging. i really enjoyed the little world of blogging, i just found moving back to a big city (ok, Canberra) took up more free time & mental space than i imagined.
So quick update: we're in the middle of our 2 year posting to Canberra. We live in the country & the children go to school in the city, so i have a country drive each morning & afternoon, where we count the kangaroos, cows, sheep, horses & their Spring foals . . . it's fun & the fantastic school is worth the trek.

So kicking off this year with a new attitude, knowing i have the nice Hall Country Market first Sunday of each month, 4 gorgeous Handmade Markets - which also have a mini show case in Civic the Saturday prior & yes, i have a position there too, i might find time to attend Gorman House (also on Saturdays) & the odd Old Bus Depot Market (on Sundays). i love doing markets, meeting new people, listening to their squeals of delight about certain products, fabrics & gifts they pick for loved ones . . . & their wonderful ideas & concepts which keep Posie fresh.
Now most recently i spent a week in Sydney, just me & the children. Took the Jeep for it's first biggish trip (can't do family trips with my husband as it's only a 5 seater) & i learnt the joy of cruise control. So easy to set the speed & be able to focus on your lane, traffic & children, not constantly checking your speedo!! Made for a very enjoyable smooth trip & with the M5, M7 & M2 (for a price) we were door to door at my parents in 3 hours. Same on the way home, only with a dinner stop & the McDonalds i think is still sitting my belly, oh the cramps!!
While we were in Sydney visiting my parents & the children were swimming 5 times a day, be it our pool, my brother's pool, Retro Mummy's pool or the beach . . . 3 of my children have olive skin & even with hats, sun shirts, not swimming around lunch & loads of sun screen, with their Italian heritage they are quite brown indeed. One evening we had a picnic with our favourite Army family who are living in Seaforth, down on Clontarf Beach & they swam in the harbour, collected sea shells, fish & star fish (all returned safely thank you). Gosh, this is how we grew up, care free, in the water until sunset with BBQ & salads for dinner. Apart from my parent's health concerns, it was a lovely trip.
Back to Retro Mummy, she's awesome!! Now with twins, who are so cute & so huge for 5 months, we popped them on little patchwork rugs & took big sister Keira in for a swim. Corrie looks fantastic, in her new home, now 3 children & cookies of course, we had a Pool Party. With my children being born & bred in Darwin, it goes without saying that they have all been swimming since birth, so now they are all great swimmers & i gave Corrie a glimpse of the future - 4 children splashing about safely & very independent. 4 children in 4 years isn't everyone's idea of family perfection, but for Corrie & i, it's ideal, a nice surprise & fun.
As always, i couldn't leave Retro Mummy without practically buying up all her stock of fabrics, as she's put the business on hold for a little while, with babies everywhere, so i had a ball!! While also in the 'hood, i picked up my latest haul of the beautiful Rosie Flo books (full set), which are selling so well at the markets with my pencil rolls, i still haven't added them to the site or shot them!! That's on my To Do list this week, along with some new toys for the Vintage & Retro ToY sHoP i run plus lots more fabrics - Babushkas anyone??!!

Getting ready for the flurry of the market season, as always, when it rains it pours. Not sure what people were doing in the down time between Christmas & New Year, as i had 15 new orders, including shops, lovely, so i've been flat out!! Come the end of the month, i have a birthday, the Handmade mini show case, Hall Markets then the big Handmade Market. I'll be posting information about all of these closer to the date. Handmade's theme for Feb 7th is Handmade with Love, gorgeous don't you think & i'll have a dedicated table of Valentine's Day inspired gifts (Peggy-Jean cards, loved up badges, Lark knitted chocolates & soaps). Ah . . .

So thanks for stopping by, 2009 is going to be a fantastic year. For me it's having a set work plan & hours, the Meet Me At Mike's craft book (yep, i'm featured but that's a post all unto itself) the launch of my children's lable sTaRt oF FaShiOn with super cute vintage detailing & planning our family move to Brisbane in December, a lot is happening in my little world!! Until next time, love Posie
oh Jennie it's so good to see you back!! You have been busy, a year already in Canberra? that seems crazy and ANOTHER move at the end of this year?? how do you do it?? xo
yay great to see you back blogging!!!!! and we love the posie crew when they come to visit so I hope you'll be adding us to your sydney must do list!
hope its a great big year for you!!!!!
Welcome back! And wow, you scored at retromummy didn't you?!
Glad to catch up all your news-glad too that Canberra is definitely agreeing with you and your family. It sounds as though you are busy as usual-Love the new fabric-Have fun using it! How is the pup going?
Welcome back to Blogland - I can hardly believe that you have been in Canberra for a year.
Wow to being kid free during the days after - well done you - I am sure you will be able to fill in your days.
Hope to catch up again on our next trip to Canberra (thinking Canberra's birthday celebrations at this point)
You have disappeared again. Where are you???
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