05 February 2011

i'm grateful for 'safe storms'

Greetings all,
Phew, how hammered is the world getting from extreme weather this week??  Tropical cyclones & floods to snow storms & blizzards, i have to say, our 'severe storm warning for Canberra' mid week was safe & as always, my children found a way to make it enjoyable.  A normal mother might suggest their children 'get out of the rain' but i became a mother living in Darwin, where things are relaxed, warm, outdoorsy & tropical . . . monsoons are to dance in.
 It struck on garbage day of course, our street was littered with empty blown over bins.
 Seriously, bubbles?? 
 I know children race leaves in drains . . . 
 splashing in puddles never grows old!!
Oh boy, again, same mud, different day!!  They went from mud pies to a mud wedding cakes complete with Jasmine flowers for decoration.  For all your muddy wedding needs, please leave a comment for my 3 daughters to cater your next event.
  For more 'i'm grateful posts' check out Maxabella loves this Saturday.  Wishing you beautiful weekends.  Love Posie


Kate said...

I love the thought of a mud wedding cake. I'll let you know if I have an occasion for one. Hope you have a great weekend too.

happy rosie said...

love the wedding cake .wish you were my mum

Nic said...

Love it! A mud wedding cake is very inventive. They look like they are having a lot of fun :)

Exquisite Accessories said...

Hee what is it with girls & mud my daughter used to make mud puddings & when we go to the beach she gets the sloppy sand & makes spagetti meatballs!! Have a great weekend love the girls wedding mud cake :)

Unknown said...

Hi Posie... thank you for your lovely comments just lately on my blog. I wish I could say I crocheted the blanket, but alas I have banana fingers! It was an ebay find! Glad to see you are all safe... such scarey times for the australians. I am glued to the tv at the moment.. my thoughts are with you guys. xxx

Anonymous said...

LOL. Huge storm at the moment in Melbourne.

emma @ frog, goose and bear said...

There is NOTHING better than dancing in the rain! That mud wedding cake is exquisite - I'll know who to call if I ever have need for a mud cake!

Rhi@FlourChild said...

Hello! I've just found you through Maxabella and am your newest follower! I'm in Belgium now, but I lived in Canberra for 5 years, so it's nice to see some Canberra gardens and Canberra mud (yum!)
Your blog looks lovely, I can't wait to explore it some more.
x Rhi

Anonymous said...

You are such a fun and down to earth mum, your kids are very lucky :)
We enjoy nothing more than dancing in the rain too.

Enjoy your weekend

Kellie Collis said...

You sound like a fun mom! For letting the kids play with the mud AND in the rain! Enjoy the weekend, Kellie xx

Selina said...

mmm do they do mud in vanilla??

Just Martha said...

My neighbour made 'pies' one day and I took a huge bite only to discover it was infact a 'mud' pie. That will teach me for being greedy!! I'm sure the cake tastes much better and looks v-e-r-y beautiful. Congrats to the budding chefs!!!

Felicity said...

Good on you Gorgeous for sharing the fun face of the rain - you have a great knack of changing my perspective just when I need it most!

Leaf racing is a fave of mine and we too have had plenty of opportunities to 'place our bets' of late.

I'll keep the girls in mind if Cpt. V ever pops the question and we need a great cake to celebrate!

Here's to a weekend where at least some bubbles are enjoyed!

Felicity x

Naomi said...

I love the mud cake!
There is something so lovely about mud pies and cakes. for kids. :)
I'm bunkered down in Melb trying to stay dry this weekend! What amazing weather we are all having!

Mammamusing said...

Kids have a knack of finding fun in anything don't they?

We're coping a hammering weather wise here in Melbourne too.

I share your sentiment that I too am grateful for safe storms.


The Moerks said...

I am glad other mothers let their kids get all wet and dirty! Love the mud cake.
Most of Victoria has had really heavy rain overnight but by some miracle we have missed out. Another 50mm and we would have been back on flood watch. I hope our upper catchments are ok. The poor people of Swan Hill have been on high alert for weeks now and have had torrential rain. I hope it all ends very soon.

Mummahh said...

oh i had a mud wedding cake, it was delish! looks fab

Maxabella said...

Now THAT's how you make the most of a storm!!! x

Anonymous said...

It's something I grew up with too. We used to love running outside and running round in the rain. It hasn't rained here in so long though I think my kids are starting to forget what rain feels like!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Just realised we had a chocolate mud wedding cake too, with white chocolate icing & only white oriental lillies as the decoration, yummo & dare i say, simple style!! Love Posie


Hi There. I have just found your blog through Thea & Sami... Great mud cakes! With so much terrible rain, floods and storms around its great to see something positive out of the rain! Lisa

Cate said...

Yeah, but I bet they never come to you whine 'I'm bored!' (you know the one where they stretch the syllables out to about 6!)

Still raining here...maybe mud cakes will be on the menu this afternoon??

have a great weekend

melissa said...

That mud wedding cake is quite impressive - perhaps a future calling for your daughters! Very cute!

by marie-nicole said...

Love the mud wedding cake Jennie they look fantastic... looks like you all had a great time in the storm.

Naturally Carol said...

Beware...not all Canberra storms are safe...my father-in-law's house got struck by a little tornado in Isabella Plains when we were living there and it put a hole in his tiled roof!

Leonie said...

Oh I totally love the mud wedding cake!
and playing in the rain - AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Posie - your kids are so lucky to have a mum filled with such life and love and whimsy. Love the wedding cake! The jasmine is the perfect decoration. Nice work little posies :O)

Corrie said...

we are sweating it out up here tonight! I can't even put elodie upstairs it's so boiling up there WITH THE FAN ON TOO!!!!!!!!

I am dying to see pics of your big girl off to school next week:)

Bron said...

Priceless memories you are recording for them when they are all grown and much to sensible for such things!

Brenda @ 13 Acres said...

oh you are a gorgeous wonderul mother letting your kids free in the rain!!! I did so a few weeks back when it was hot and raining - just like an open shower - oh and I'd love one of those wedding mud cakes too ;-))

the old boathouse said...

Hey Posie, this is off subject but I just read your profile and realized you are an army wife and therefore mother of army brats ( that's what we all used to call ourselves not sure if this is still the affectionate term) I am/ was an army brat....7 school survivor. I loved it, loved living on bases. I hope your little ones love and embrace it too xx Katherine

rachel said...

Wow that mud wedding cake is seriously impressive! Looks like so much fun, I'm sure your kids will always remember how cool Mum was to let them play in the rain and mud.

Photography said...

How delightfully nice. I love your mode of parenting. So natural. Stay safe and well xx

Michelle Reeves - Bod for tea said...

Glad you were ok, scary storms! Good for you for making it a fun time for your kids :) Visiting you from Maxabella by the way.

J said...

That's something pretty to make out of mud! Glad you are all safe :)

Amanda said...

The wedding cake made me laugh :) Looks like lots of fun was had!